There's a place for you here!

First Step is a place where you will find support as you face life's difficulties. It is our belief and experience that if we provide a safe environment to become open and honest about our struggles, we are then creating a place for a loving God to heal our brokenness.

You are not alone and there is a place for you here.

Discover more about first step

pictured: ROb & Karen Flammang, Directors of First Step

When and Where?

Tuesday Nights at 7PM in Fuller Hall

4386 N Chestnut Ave. Fresno, CA 93726

What to Expect?

This is where everyone meets together to experience worship, hear a recovery centered teaching, and share powerful testimonies of changed lives.

Group Time

This is where we break into separate gender and issue specific groups. Where each person is safe to share their struggles and victories with others who share their similar struggle.

Rob & Karen Flammang


Interested in joining the First Step Recovery Team or in attending an upcoming meeting? Click the button below to sign up today!


The Personal Impact of First Step Recovery

Click the video below to watch Rob's powerful testimony and learn how First Step Recovery can impact your life.